Inclusive Working Environments in VR
Since January 2023, we have been working on solutions in the InclusiveVR@Work project to enable people with and without visual impairments to work together in virtual reality (VR) without accessibility restraints. The aim is to make it possible to adapt one's own working environment to individual needs and, at the same time to work together on the same content in VR.
InclusiveVR@Work is a collaborative project between ACCESS@KIT and the Fraunhofer Institute of Optronics, System Technologies and Image Exploitation (IOSB).
Latest News
News contains current information about dates, projects, initiatives and innovations. Past events can be researched in the news archive.

Our second advisory board meeting will take place on January 28th at InformatiKOM 2.
We will present our project results from last year and also offer live demos in the VR lab for testing. We are looking forward to your feedback and our discussion.

We are currently conducting a survey on the topic of accessibility in XR. We are still looking for people who develop or research in the field of XR (VR, MR or AR).
Link to the survey
On October 29th, students can design their own VR environments with Unity and test them live. They will also have the opportunity to learn Braille and create and print tactile graphics.
Link to Science Camp MakeIT
On 9th October at VRST in Trier we will bring together developers and experts to find out the current state of accessibility in XR and how to use the accessibility potential of XR in your own software.
When? Wednesday, October 9th, 5:30/6:00 PM
Where? <tbd, will be updated and announced via mail>

On the fifth of September, we will be holding a workshop for students on the topic: How can visual information be implemented for people with visual impairments and blindness - designing and experiencing virtual reality and tactile displays.
Link to Science Camp Informatik
On the first of September, we will conduct our workshop "Envisioning the Future of Accessible Immersive Technology: Creating a Roadmap and Building Community" here at the InformatiKOM 2 at KIT. We are looking forward to a lively exchange and welcome submissions to the workshop!
Link to the Workshop
At this year's ICCHP, everyone will have the opportunity to test our first prototype in the Innovation Area. We are already looking forward to your feedback.
Preliminary Shedule of the ICCHP
On the 6th and 7th of June, we will be presenting our project approach in New York City at the Accessibility Conference for Extended Reality.
Link to the Conference

Gabriel Unmüßig and Dominik Witka from the IOSB joined our project.
We also welcome five new student assitants to the team in June.

For the development of our prototype, we are still looking for further participants with visual impairments who still work visually on the computer to create individual workplace in VR. The workshop takes 2 hours and is remunerated with 30€. If you are interested, please contact Michael.Schneider3∂
If you are interested, please contact us here
On 26 and 27 April, InformatiKOM 2 will be hosting free presentations, discussions and workshops on the topic of accessible documents. We will be taking part and holding a workshop on virtual reality as additional value for people with visual impairments.
Registration / Workshop overview
On Wednesday, January 31, the first advisory board meeting of the InclusiveVR@Work project will take place in the new building, InformatiKOM 2 at Adenauerring 10. We will present the objectives of the project and discuss initial project results.

Are you a student and would like to get directly involved in the development of inclusive VR worlds?
From now on, current student job and thesis advertisements for the project will also be published directly here on the site!

On September 4, we will present our project at the workshop "Partizipative und sozialverantwortliche Technikentwicklung" at Mensch und Computer 2023. In addition, an exchange on users' participation in technology development processes will take place. We are looking forward to exciting discussions!
Link to Workshop